Monday, May 31, 2010

A day to remember.....

All day I have been trying to think of a project to post but the more I thought about it the more I did not want to detract from the meaning of today.
Today we honor the memory of the fallen heros that have given their lives for our country, or freedoms, and to help others gain the opportunity to live a life going after the dreams and hopes so many of our families came to this country to seek. To those fallen Heros I say Thank You. You paid the ultimate price to protect what this country was founded.
I also remember the service men and women who are currently in harms way defending our country. Your families are also in my thoughts--your wives and husbands, children, and parents that have given time, the one thing we can not get back. May you all be richly blessed, protected, and brought home safely!
Today is set aside to remember, but let us all remember daily those that serve this nation and how blessed we are to live in a country as great as the USA!


  1. Bryan, I second everything thing you said and I also say a big huge AMEN to it!!! :)

  2. Bryan, thank you for honoring our very special men and women putting their lives on the line to protect us. I appreciate your sentiment.

  3. Thank you Bryan! What a nice well said post. May we never forget the reason for our long weekend! God Bless America and God Bless our Troops!

  4. Very well put..............thank you!


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